Good data analysis can challenge misconception. United Way is a hub for and provides oversight of a database called, Charity Tracker Plus, which helps human service agencies and benevolence programs tell a more accurate story of their delivery of services. To use this database, agencies become part of the Martinsville-Henry County Assistance Network, resulting in captured community data, stronger case management and a more formalized referral process in the community. Participating agencies use summary information gleaned from the database either individually or in partnership for grant writing and reporting and future safety net planning.
The following agencies and programs are part of the Martinsville-Henry County Assistance Network:
- American Red Cross
- Broad Street Christian Church
- Christ Episcopal Church
- Edward Adult Day Center
- First United Methodist Church
- Grace Network
- Henry County Adult & Career Learning Center
- HOPE Coalition
- MHC Coalition for Health and Wellness
- MHC Partners for Children (former Smart Beginnings MHC)
- Peer Recovery Connection, Inc (former WeCare)
- Pregnancy Care Center of MHC
- Salvation Army
- Southern Area Agency on Aging
- Southside Survivor Response Center
- St. Joseph Catholic Church-Reach Out
- Starling Avenue Baptist Church
- STEP, Inc.
- Stone Memorial Christian Church
- The Community Fellowship & Dream Center
- United Way of Henry County & Martinsville
- Bank On
- Getting Ahead in a Just Getting By World
- Money Smart
- Housing Stabilization 2023
- Virginia Career Works
- West Piedmont Regional Adult Continuing Education
Since the network's inception in July of 2013 to June of 2023, over 20,000 individuals have been served by participating agencies and more than $3.82 million of assistance has been utilized to help local people in need.
For more information about the Assistance Network, contact Lisa Frick, our Community Impact Coordinator, 276.403.5965.